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Elder Joshua R. Swann

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Ronald Andrew Smart (1999 - 2002)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Myrtle Creek, Medford, Klamath Falls/Keno, Corvallis
Matthew Scott Fullmer | Joseph LePage Lee
Your Occupation: UPS Package Car Driver
Spouse: Amber J Swann
We just expanded our family by one in July. We now have 3 boys. Austin-4, Jeffrey-3, and Jakob-3months. They bring us so much joy and happiness.

Feel free to drop us an email or give us a call if you are going to be in the area and want to visit.
Created: 23 Jun 2002  Modified: 22 Oct 2007
Last Login: 04 Nov 2007 06:31:30 PM

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