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Elder Michael R. Jensen

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Ronald Andrew Smart (1999 - 2002) | John Riley Cushing (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Roseburg, Santa Clara, Grants Pass, Springfield, Monmouth, Corvallis
gene Darnell | Gene Darnell | Andrew D. King | Kaleb Shumway | Chad Boyce Sorensen
Your Occupation: student
What's up everyone? I've been home for 5 months now and I miss the mission terribly. I'm just working at the Huntsman Center in the special services department. (It gets the bills paid.) I hope everyone is having fun. I'll see ya later.
Created: 20 Sep 2002  Modified: 06 Feb 2003
Last Login: 24 Apr 2003 07:51:40 AM

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