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Elder T. Dean Jensen

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Lloyd M. Rasmussen (1990 - 1993)
Served: 1990 - 1992
Areas Served:
Salem, Eugene, Corvallis, Salem/Keizer, Klamath Falls, Coos Bay
Jason L. Begay
Your Occupation: Start-up Engineer
Spouse: single
After my mission I went back to Utah and received my degree in Computer Science. After school I moved to Seattle for a year and worked for a company as a Network Administrator. I moved back home to Ogden and worked as Network Administrator where that job took me all over the world. After living in Tel Aviv Israel for over a year and London for two years, I transferred back to the Phoenix office where I eventually left the job. I then took a job for Siemens out of Orlando FL and became a Lead Instrument and Controls Engineer. I now travel all over the US installing power plants. Currently I am still single as I don't have time to settle down. On average I spend about 300 days on the road and manage to go home and see my family every third weekend. Feel free to drop a line.
Created: 09 Feb 2003  Modified: 26 Mar 2004
Last Login: 26 Mar 2004 09:47:34 PM

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