Comments: Mosese F. Naeata, 57, Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Mission; Liahona 1st Ward, Nuku'alofa Tonga Liahona Stake; patriarch, sealer in the Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple, and missionary coordinator for Tonga; former stake president, high councilor, stake mission president and counselor, stake Sunday School president's counselor, bishop, and ward Young Men president; material management manager in Tonga for the Presiding Bishopric's Office; received bachelor's degree in physical education from BYU-Hawaii; born in Nuku'alofa, Tonga, to Viliami and Ofa Kongaika Naeata; married Akanesi Hikila, five children. She is stake Relief Society president; former stake Relief Society and Primary president, ward Young Women president, and Relief Society teacher; received bachelor's degree in business education from BYU-Hawaii; born in Malfang, Tonga, to Simione and Lata Mahola Lata Liufau Hikila. |