Nathele Kiana Ka'aiohelo Kalauli Lesa Alumni Photo

Sister Nathele Kiana Ka'aiohelo Kalauli Lesa

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Eduardo Gavarret (2003 - 2006)
Served: 2003 - 2005
Language(s) spoken:Spanish
Areas Served:
Ca'aguazu 1, Encarnacion 2, San Antonio, Sajonia
Meradith Marie Collard | Annie LaRee Lee (Bragg)
Your Occupation: Registered Nurse
Spouse: Talaga Lesa
Aloooooooha! I am now married to Talaga Lesa (we will celebrate our first anniversary in December) with a newborn son, Matthias. They are my sweethearts! My husband is from American Samoa, so we are attending a Samoan ward in Orem right now. I am the Primary music leader and my husband is the executive secretary. We live at Wyview (BYU married housing), but are moving down south to live in a small one-street town called Moccasin. Life is wonderful--we have had lots of challenging and rewarding experiences over the last year. We love each of you and hope you are well!
Created: 20 Nov 2005  Modified: 16 Nov 2006
Last Login: 16 Nov 2006 10:22:00 PM
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