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Elder Daren Lynn Camphuysen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Luis A. Ramirez (1981 - 1984) | Carleton Anderson (1984 - 1986) | Served: 1983 - 1985 | Areas Served: Ipacarai
Ciudad Stroessner
Paraguari | Companions: Cory Anderson | Vaughn Brown | Michael Bryant | Daniel Collato | Robert (Bob) Dupaix | Jim Harmon | Jorge Bautista Scarpiny | Your Occupation: Former president/Chief Security, Inc. | Spouse: Kim | Comments: I returned home in November 1985, and got married in February of 1986. My wifes name is Kim and we have three daughters. Brianna (22), Whitney (20), Makenzie (16). We live in Mesa, Arizona. I work in the security industry, and have actually owned my own business since 1991. I have served in many callings including, YM President, Elders Quorum President, Stake YM, Ward Mission Leader, and counsleor in the bishopric. We are now in the Mountain Ranch Ward in Mesa, Arizona. Our oldest daughter was just married in the Newport Beach Temple. That of course was very special and exciting. We are very proud to welcome our new son-in-law to the family. It is so great to be a member of this church, and to have the knowlege and power of the truth. |
Created: 24 Apr 2002 Modified: 28 Aug 2011 |
Last Login: 28 Aug 2011 06:40:00 PM |
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