Ryan  Goodrich Alumni Photo

Elder Ryan Goodrich

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Robert Whetten (1996 - 1998) | Craig Cheney (1998 - 2001)
Served: 1997 - 1999
Areas Served:
Thompson, Villarrica, Nemby, Reducto, Encarnacion 3, Encarnacion1, Herrera, Las Residentas
Matthew Lehi Arnesen | Shane Michael Biornstad | Michael Dee Brenchley | Richard Franklin | Benjamin Harris | Daniel (Kavaju Piru) Scott Haymore
Your Occupation: Professional Pet Groomer
Spouse: Jana Goodrich
My wife and I now have three wonderful children. AshLeigh will be in 2nd grade, and Skyler will be in kindergarten. Brielle, our youngest, will turn 1 in September. I also have found a career that I love and will continue with for as long as I can. I am an operater in a Water Treatment and Distribution plant. Basically I am one of two people that runs the plant that takes dirty river water and converts and treats it to be drinkable. Excellent hours and benefits. I love it. I would love to hear from anyone who has served in Paraguay and especially from any of my old companions.
Created: 11 Apr 2003  Modified: 25 Jul 2010
Last Login: 19 Oct 2014 09:21:27 AM
© 1995 Monte Giles