Stories: Spiritual Witness
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Back in April, while serving in the Lehighton area, I think I mentioned a female investigator we found at a store on P-Day. We ended up having several lessons over at her aunt’s house that was a member. We committed her to baptism on and after watching the baptism of another investigator; she was super excited and kept asking us more questions. Eventually, the conversation worked its way to how the whole missionary transfer thing works and she was so sad to think that one of us could be leaving in six weeks. So, she went home and told her mother, who was very anti-LDS, that she was getting baptized and then she called us and moved her date up 4 weeks. All of this was done without us asking. She was just that awesome.
The other amazing thing was my companion and I got to actually see her receive a spiritual witness that the Church was true after we committed her to baptism. I've seen investigators get partial witnesses over time, and I've seen them change, but when we committed her to baptism, she sat there for a minute and then just simply said, “Yes!” We could see the light enter into her face and feel it in the room. I could honestly say that I haven't felt the Spirit so strong on my mission and it came from a simple yes. Ever since then, I just think about how many times I've said no to what God has asked of me, and how simple and easy it would be to just say yes and do what God asks and receive such great rewards. When we first met this young woman, she was very standoffish and all she did was mention that her aunt was a member. Right after her first lesson, she just changed, and by the second lesson she was committed for baptism. - Elder Cody S. North |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."