Elder Craig Dahlberg Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Lowell R. Tingey (1989 - 1992) | Thales A. Derrick (1992 - 1995) |
Served: 1991 - 1993 |
Language(s) spoken:Pittsburghese |
Areas Served: Aliquippa, South Side, Erie, Wheeling, Basically the Outer Rim of the Mission! |
Companions: Justin Barrett | John Dryden | Andre G Pittaluga | James Proffitt | Jon Thuernagle | Dirk A. Willden | John Wolfenbarger |
Your Occupation: Web Programmer |
Spouse: Laurie Dahlberg |
Comments: I'm currently living in Fresno, CA (Central California) with my wife Laurie (She actually waited for me while I was serving my mission). We been married for 12 years and have 3 beautiful children - Jeremy(8), Elizabeth(5) and Haley(3). I'm serving as the Ward Clerk and my wife is the Wolf Den Leader - lots of fun! My wife and I both work in the healthcare field - I'm a Web Programmer and she's a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I'd love to hear from you! |
Created: 20 Nov 2009 Modified: 20 Nov 2009 |
Last Login: 20 Nov 2009 02:38:52 AM |