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| Elder Henry Gaston Vidal RamosAv. Contisuyo 328 Urb. Tahuantinsuyo, Independencia Lima, Lima Lima 28 Perú
0051 - 1 - 5244857
Current Address Urb Carabaiyo183 y/o 195 Comas Lima, Lima, Perú Lima 7
0051 - 1 - 5255503
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Presidents: De Lamar Jensen (1980 - 1983) | Rómulo J. Casós (1983 - 1986) | Served: 1982 - 1984 | Areas Served: Arequipa, Cuzco, Moquegua, Tacna | Companions: Jon W Conger | José Ismael Flores | Kirk Leifson | Spouse: Adela Medina de Vidal | Comments: Conger Friend, I hope you can read this message, we were classmates in Arequipa mission. I am married, my wife now called Adela, I have 3 (three) children are called Stephanie, Yrene and Ruben. I am currently the second counselor in the stake Tahuantinsuyo. I would like to hear from you.
Are you married? Do you have family and children?, Is your profession of medicine is finished?
friend, this is my E-mail:
write me, your eternal friend, Henry Vidal.
Amigo Conger ojala que puedas leer este mensaje, fuimos compañeros en la mision arequipa. estoy casado actualmente, mi esposa se llama adela, tengo 3 (tres) hijos, se llaman Stephanie, yrene y Ruben, Actualmente soy el segundo consejero de la estaca Tahuantinsuyo, me gustaria saber de ti, ¿Te casastes? ¿Tienes familia e hijos? etc. |
Created: 25 Jul 2010 Modified: 25 Jul 2010 |
Last Login: 26 Jul 2010 06:13:37 PM |
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