Elder Kurt Edward Coombs Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Robert Deane Worthen (1980 - 1983) | Harvard Bitter (1983 - 1986) |
Sirvió: 1982 - 1984 |
Idioma(s) hablado:Castellano |
Áreas: Peru Lima North, Barranca, Callao, Mission Office, Iquitos |
Compañeros: martha Apaza Velasco | Bret Hinckley | Dean A. Smith | Rodrigo Ivan Tirado (Lozano) |
Trabajo: Engineer |
Esposo(a): Vickie Lynn Coombs |
Comentarios: Mi esposa Vickie y yo tenemos seis ninos. Tenemos cuatros hijas y un pareja de gemelos. Nuestra hija mayor servio en La Mission Boliva Santa Cruz. Ella tenia la opurtunidad a server in Peru cuando sacaron los misioneros de Bolivia. Ella vive en Texas.
La segunda hija se caso en el Templo de Manti en Utah La tercera assiste
al universidad al BYU-Idaho.
Somos fieles en el evangelio.
Queremes oir de ustedes
My wife Vickie and I have six children. We have four daughters and twin sons. Our oldest daughter served Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission. She had the opportunity to serve in Peru when the removed all of the North American Missionaries out during the political unrest. She loved serving in Peru and is now in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She now lives in Texas.
Our second daughter got married in the Manti, Utah Temple. Our third daughter attends BYU-Idaho, with the remaining three children still in High School.
Our family enjoys traveling and outdoor activities. We are all very strong in the church and are actively serving.
We would love to hear from everyone! |
Creado: 17 Nov 2005 Modificado: 24 Sep 2011 |
Última entrada: 24 Sep 2011 08:36:34 PM |