Elder Samuel Martell Adams296 E. 1300 North Bountiful, Ut 84010
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Presidents: Theron David Rose (1995 - 1998) |
Served: 1996 - 1998 |
Areas Served: Trujillo, Chimbote, Cajamarca |
Companions: JOSE ANTONIO Carrion (Cantuarias) | Luis Leonardo Gonzalez Villanueva | ROBERTO Olaya Yarleque | Victor Perez Arizaga |
Your Occupation: Sales |
Spouse: Alison Adams |
Comments: What's up everyone? Long time no see. Props to Elder Orgill for being the web master, he always was the computer ace. I am still living in good old Bountiful Utah. I am married and have one son whose name is Nathan, he is 17 months old and has whooped me into shape. All is well and I send mis saludos a todos. Remeber no matter what is wrong in your lives you can always drink some una de gato with limon and all will be fixed. I hope that all is well with everyone else. Hope to hear from you.
Sam (Elder Adams) |
Created: 09 Sep 2004 Modified: 09 Sep 2004 |
Last Login: 09 Sep 2004 11:02:32 AM |