Elder Joseph Mackay Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Stephen L. Jensen (1998 - 2001) |
Served: 1998 - 2000 |
Language(s) spoken:espanish |
Areas Served: Chimbote, Alto Moche, Guadalupe, Laredo |
Companions: juan Centeno Cordova | Joe Mackay | Ben Scott Smart |
Your Occupation: mother |
Spouse: Mikele |
Comments: I am living the high life, my wife is prego with our first child, due in September. I'm a physical therapist and try to play ultimate frisbee as much as wife schedule allows (and wife). And if you've heard from Stoddard or Action Jackson, let me know! |
Created: 21 Jul 2007 Modified: 21 Jul 2007 |
Last Login: 21 Jul 2007 10:27:57 PM |