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Zachery Andreason RiderLos Granados No. 613
Urb. California Casilla 10, Trujillo PERU
Current Address Trujillo, Contact: Dawn Rider - Send Email
MTC Entry Date: 2000-10-11 |
Return Date: 2002-10-11 |
Areas Served: San Pedro, Trujillo |
Comments: Zachery is loving his mission so far! He liked San Pedro better than Trujillo... Claims Trujillo is a "wicked city", but he loves the Peruvians. He likes the food, too. Exchange of mail is very slow. He has not received one package that has been mailed from the USA.... probably being confiscated in customs? Utilities are on again, off again. Only gets running water till 4:00 pm. Power is sporadic, so he advised bringing a good flashlight. |
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