Stories: A perfect Landing!
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Last Thursday, 03 Feb '05, I had a flight schedulled and we conducted some air maneuvers at the charlie area of CLark Airfield Pampanga. We took off at exactly 0015UTC(8:15am) and started maintaining an airspeed of 80knots above 1500ft above sea level. Then we turned right and gain 500ft more. When we arrived at our destination, we started commencing some aircraft maneuvers where I conducted a series of level turns and climbs. After some series of turns, we headed back in top of the control tower then radio our location and our intention to the control tower.. We requested to have a series of touch and go and we were granted. It was my first time to try to land the plane and it really was a scarry experience... So we join the right traffic pattern then turned base then final approach... As I was controlling the yoke to descend the plane and I was making a nose-down, we were hit by the crosswind that made the airplane hard to handle. We were about 50ft above the ground but still the wind is interfering us to land the plane so we go around and we made another try... On final the second time, everything was getting smooth until another croosswind tried to disturb us. I again failed then my Flight Instructor told me to free the controls and grabbed his yoke and landed the plane as easy as eating cereals in the morning... I was so overwhelmed with the experience that gave me an impression of somewhat an analogy of our Heavenly Father's plan... We all are pilots of our lives and we're all doing our best to make that perfect landing back to our Father's Kingdom...but in doing so, we all encounter trials and temptations(Crosswinds) that makes our smooth flight difficult to handle. We may fail once, twice, or even a lot of times but if we'll do our best and endure to the end, we can overcome the crosswinds and have a perfect landing! |
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