Comments: Saturday, February 9, 1991
LDS Church News
Bienvenido Pangilinan Flores, 40, Marikana 1st Ward, Marikana Philippines Stake; regional representative, former stake president, high councilor, bishop's counselor, district president, branch president; area director of Church Educational System in Philippines; received bachelor's degree from BYU-Hawaii; born in Manila, Philippines, a son of Florencio Canada and Josefina Alcedo Pangilinan Flores; married Luzviminda Patawaran Ferrer; five children. She is a Relief Society inservice teacher, former Primary president, visiting teaching leader, stake Relief Society counselor, Primary teacher, district and branch Relief Society president; teacher and administrator at Child-Parent Learning Center; attended BYU-Hawaii; born in Quezon City, Philippines, a daughter of Luis Callo and Felicisima Catap Patawaran Ferrer. |