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Elder Stephen Charles SchofieldAddress not available
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Presidents: Julio G. Gaviola (1998 - 2001) | Served: 1999 - 2000 | Areas Served: 1. Bambang-Benge/Espera
2. Allacapan-Crandell/Benigno
3. Ilagan-Day/Sanders
4. Diffun-Call/Medge
5. Penablanca-Hunter/Alibangbang
6. Angadangan-Williams | Companions: Kirk w. Benge | marc anthony lejano Benigno | Douglas Call | Rusty D. Crandell | Tyson Day | Tyson Lee Day | Collin Hunter | Richard Sanders | David Williams | Joey Dean Winter | Your Occupation: Adult Education Teacher | Spouse: Mary Christine | Comments: I have been teaching CTR 7 for the past 5 years. Life doesn't get much better than that.
Caleb is three and is excited about his baby brother's arival at the end of June 2006
I teach adults (English, ESL, GED prep, high school diploma prep, family literacy). It's a good time.
BA English Education- BYU- Idaho 2003
M.Ed. Education Adminiatration- Grand Canyon University 2006 |
Created: 20 Sep 2001 Modified: 08 Mar 2006 |
Last Login: 08 Mar 2006 05:40:39 PM |
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