Philippines Ilagan Mission

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Stories: My Companion ( Ang Aking Kasama)

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My Companion ( Ang Aking Kasama) 23 May 2004
Once Upon a Time… It was gloomy afternoon and my eyes were still swollen as I hurriedly meet my new companion down in the doorway of our two storey apartment In Appari. My knees were shaking and I couldn’t looked at her face as she greet me with a hug. A week before the transfer day I had a feeling that my trainor Sister Johnson will be transferred since she has served Appari for the last 6 months of her missionary life. “Transfer” I dislike the feeling of being left behind, the fear of here comes another “adjustments”, the exhausting thoughts of how its going to be with another companion. I prayed for strength and comfort every night that week. Until one night, I dreamed. (I heard a loud knock on our apartment door. I volunteered to open the door and I saw a blonde haired woman right in front of me, tall that I couldn’t see her face without lifting my head. As I raised my head my eyes leads me to her left chest where her name tag was placed, I read “Sister Allen”. I looked at her face with her eyes all aglow and she was smiling ...pulled me towards her and hug me.” The following morning as Sister Johnson and I was about to start our companionship study I asked her if there’s a Sister Allen in Ilagan Mission which I really am not familiar with nor heard about since Appari is my first area and had been serving there for just about less than 3 months. And to my surprised she told me that there is indeed a Sister Allen in Ilagan Mission and she asked me why I ask and I told her about my dream. She just smiled. The Zone meeting day arrived. It was Elder Rubia’s turn to see different kind of reactions as he announces the names of those who are getting transferred. And of course my companion was one, and was excited about her new area that she expects will be her last since she is going home in 3 months time. My heart was pounding as Elder Rubia announced that my next companion will be a Sister Allen. I was speechless. Two days after …I met Sister Allen. We were two different people, we do not like everything about each other, I don’t like cats and monkeys but she likes them, I hate to get burned under the heat of the sun but she like exposing herself in the sun. She loves to walk and I like to ride… yet we were the best of friends because we were both willing to met halfway. She’s one of the best people I met in my mission. We had great time together. I had the best time of my life in our team work. She taught me sacrifice when she left a good paying job and a handsome worthy priesthood boyfriend for her mission, charity when she used her own personal money to buy a brother’s white clothing for his burial, obedience, even to the dot of our missionary white handbook even to that of calling her companion in appropriate manner addressing me Sister Domingo for the whole 3 months in our companionship, love for fellowmen as she invites me to fast with her almost every week for our investigators spiritual needs, Love for missionary work as she would always reminds me to fill up our blue planner with meaningful activities and other important principles that I enjoy learning continually each day until today. She’s my example. She taught me that in companionship you do not have to like the same color, liking the same thing doesn’t exactly mean compatibility, what it requires is a sincere appreciation of each other’s choices and the willingness to compromise. Wherever she may be at this point in time, I wish her the best that this life could offer, because she deserve it.
Sheilla May Placer Domingo Send Email

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