Philippines Olongapo Mission


Elder J.T. Belnap

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E. LaMar Sanders (1999 - 2002) | Keith F. Kinghorn (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2001 - 2003
Areas Served:
Bantocalling,Orani,Gordon Heights,Urbiztondo,Morong,Iba
Adam Davis | MATTHEW WESLEY Sanders | Travis John Shreeve
Your Occupation: Audio Visual assistant
Spouse: Kacie Henderson
Yo, Its been a while. I got married about a month ago and we are still here in Rexburg. I see Renicker, Shreeve, Davis, Castaldi, Luke Wilson, Emerick, Farmer, and the rest up here. Contact me sometime.
Created: 13 Jan 2004  Modified: 13 Jan 2004
Last Login: 13 Jan 2004 08:13:59 AM

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