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 | Sister MARIDEE DAISY DUMO-IPAC305 Baccuit Sur Bauang, La Union 2501 Philippines
Current Address 3508-102 Green Garden Circle Virginia Beach, VA 23453
757 689 4985
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Presidents: George E. Johnson (1999 - 2002) | Rulon R. Osmond (2002 - 2005) | Served: 2001 - 2002 | Language(s) spoken:Tagalog, English & Ilokano | Areas Served: 1. Darasa, Batangas (Sisters Canaya & Almonte)
2. Lumban, Laguna (Sisters Santiago & Ebesate)
3. San Pablo, Laguna (Sisters Ofina & Garcia)
4. Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro (Sisters Catano & Gaviola)
5. Lopez, Quezon Province (Sister Campos) | Companions: Sherrie Subang Campos | Pamela De Guzman Ebesate | lael ver Rogers (Gaviola) | Your Occupation: Government Employee! | Spouse: VILMOR MICHAEL PABILLONAR IPAC | Comments: February 12, 2004
Hello there!
I'd like u to know guys that I miss you all! I am just praying that there will be a Reunion for Return Missionary, so we could see each other again.
My mission is great because I had 9 wonderful and awesome companions!! I had 5 beautiful and fruitful areas, especially the people therein:) I love the Spirit of Missionary Work!!!
I pray that all of our goals in life will be achieved especially in marrying the right woman/man at the right time and in the right place. I know the Lord will help us as long as we keep on doing the right things.
I love you all!!!
May 13, 2005
...Grabe yan ang aking message last year..but now! Mayroon na nga taung reunion on May 21, 2005 sa San Pablo, Laguna..Ang lakas naman ng ating mga panalangin(",)
See u all guys!
August 25, 2005
Hello everyone! Musta na poh kaung lahat? Anong updates sa ating mga buhay? I hope and pray happy pa rin tau all the time(",)
Im still working as government employee! Still single! Still pretty and energetic, hehe..(alang kokontra ha! pagbigyan nu nmn ako kahit d2 lng).. Im happy serving our Heavenly Father through church callings like SA rep&teacher, branch&district pianist, branch missionary, RS Musical Director, and volunteer Institute Teacher.. Madaming blessings tlga as we serve Him w/ all our might, mind and strenght(",)
Kaya mga kapatid! Continue pressing forward kahit dami persecutions, trials in life.. through these experiences our faith and testimony will shine as the sun!!!
Mahal ko kaung lahat!!
Maridee(",) |
Created: 12 Feb 2004 Modified: 07 Jul 2009 |
Last Login: 16 Jul 2009 08:59:11 PM |
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