Comments: Saturday, March 30, 1996
LDS Church News
Roy Wennerholm Jr., 64, Philippines San Pablo Mission; Alpine 3rd Ward, Alpine Utah Stake; branch president's counselor at the Provo Missionary Training Center; former stake president and counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, stake Sunday School president, bishop and counselor, deacons quorum adviser, Sunday School president, Young Men president, Sunday School teacher, and senior Aaronic Priesthood adviser; chairman and chief executive officer of Valusoft Inc.; received bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from San Jose State University; born in Oxnard, Calif., to Roy and Lauretta Rosella Tolson Wennerholm; married Beverly Smith, five children.
She is a former stake Young Women president's counselor, Relief Society president, Young Women president, Primary president, and Relief Society teacher; attended BYU; born in Oxnard, Calif., to Clifford William and Helen Margaret Winiker Smith. |