Stories: Stick Guy
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One time I was tracting in Bom Sucesson which is an absolute misnomer, by the way, and we entered this guys little portao to go up and knock on his door. He was old, and his daughter or daughter in law or something was there with him in the side yard. She saw us coming up the walk and asked us what we were doing. I went in to the introduction explaining who we were and what we were doing there. Her father, the old guy came out around the house then, and both of them started telling us to leave quite vehemently. We said we would, and we started down the path. Apparently, he thought we weren't moving fast enough, so he broke a branch off a tree that was right by him and started threatening me with it. I said we were leaving so he popped me on the head with it. He just kept hitting me on the head until we were outside of his fence. The one positive thing that I learned from this experience are that old people are weak, cause it really didn't hurt at all. |
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