Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who maintains the LDS Mission Network?

All of the time required to maintain each component of the LDS Mission Network has been volunteered.

To meet the Developers behind the LDS Mission Network, check out our "About Us" page.

Neither the LDS Mission Network nor the mission alumni pages linked to them are sponsored or officially endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Q: If there is not an alumni site for my mission, can I create one, and how?

If someone is not currently maintaining an alumni site for your mission, you should feel free to start one yourself. To do this you do not need:

  • Your own web server
  • An internet service provider that gives you space to store web sites
  • A permanent internet account

However, you do need:

  • A love for your mission and the people you served
  • Enough time to design an effective mission alumni site and dedication required to continue to maintain the site in the future, being responsive to the requests of your fellow alumni
  • A working knowledge of HTML coding (or a willingness to spend some time learning it)

If you would like to create a Web site (whether you are creating a NEW site, taking over a CURRENT site, taking over an ABANDONED site, or simply TRANSFERRING your existing site to our servers, please go through and follow our "Hot to Set Up Your Site" checklists.

To get more information about hosting with the LDS Mission Network, check out our "Hosting with LDS Mission Network" page.

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Q: What if I want to maintain my pages on my own server?

It is not a requirement that you host your mission alumni page on the LDS Mission Network's servers ( To be included on the LDSMN indices, please go through and follow our "Hot to Set Up Your Site" checklists.

To get more information about hosting with the LDS Mission Network, check out our "Hosting with LDS Mission Network" page.

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Q: Does the LDS Mission Network seek sponsors?

No. It was decided early on that would be completely independent, operating solely on the contributions from alumni page owners. Not even Deseret Book, who hosts the LDS Mission Network, puts their name on the site.

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Q: How is the LDS Mission Network financed?

The labor involved in maintaining the LDS Mission Network Servers, as well as the individual alumni sites, is contributed by volunteers.

There are additional expenses that are financed by voluntary donations from alumni site maintainers and alumni.

Hardware for the server has been provided by Chris Hardy, with contributions from many alumni site maintainers and anonymous contributors. Connectivity for the server is provided by Deseret Book. is hosted by a commercial hosting service, and provided by Brandon Pulsipher.

Future expenses, including any new administrative costs that have not been incurred before, will continue to be financed by voluntary contributions.

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Q: Does the LDS Mission Network seek donations?

Yes! See our Donations Page for further details.There is a general consensus among the current alumni page owners that we could easily put together a good server if everyone contributed $10 each. If you're wondering what you can do to help, that would be a great place to start.

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Q: Do I have to pay dues to be listed on the LDS Mission Network?

No, but contributions are greatly appreciated. See our Donations Page for more details.

Nem este site (, nem qualquer página de ex-missionários listada aqui, tem relação-- explicita ou implicita-- com A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias nem com nenhuma de suas entidades legais.

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