Mission Listings Script


Let us do all the work!

We work diligently to maintain and update links to all the mission web sites. Why should you? If you would like to list the links to the mission sites on your web site, let us do all the hard work.

By using the LDSMN Mission Listings Script, you will get up-to-date listings of all the missions we have in our database and their current web site address. Because the script is dynamically generated, it will always be current. All you have to do is tell us how you want us to display the listings.

To list the missions without any type of customization, use the following code in the body of your HTML file:

<script language="javascript" src="https://www.mission.net/ldsmn_listings.php"></script>


Because we know you have a certain style and look for your web site, you will most likely want to customize the display of listings. Here's how!

The following settings can be passed into the listings script:

Setting Purpose Values Default
no_tblDon't Display in Table (just list)0/10 (Displays within table)
colsTable Columns1-53
tbl_wid*Table WidthPixels or %None
tbl_bdrTable Border0-50
tbl_spcTable Cell Spacing0-51
tbl_padTable Cell Padding0-52
a_cssLink CSS ClasstextNone
tbl_css<table> CSS ClasstextNone
tr_css<tr> CSS ClasstextNone
td_css<td> CSS ClasstextNone
td_bg<td> background colortext or hex numberNone
fontFont FacetextNone
fsize**Font Size+/- 1-3None
errmsg***Error Messagetextmission listings currently unavailable
crossDisplay Across Page0/10 (Display in list style)
pwr_bot"Powered By" on bottom0/10 (Displays on top)
pwr_img****"Powered By" Image1-41
no_totDon't Display Total0/10 (Display total)
tot_topTotal on top0/10 (Displays on bottom)
cntry***Countrytext (separated by |)None
st***State (if cntry = "US")text (separated by |)None

* Any percent signs (%) within table widths should be replaced with "%25".
** Any plus signs (+) within font sizes should be replaced with "%2B".
*** Any spaces must be replaced with a plus sign (+).
*** There are four possible "Powered By" images from which to choose:
  1. (white background)
  2. (white background w/shadow)
  3. (transparent)
  4. (transparent)


The following samples are just a few of the combinations you can achieve. Feel free to experiment to find the right combination for your site.

Source (javascript src attribute - prefaced with "https://www.mission.net/ldsmn_listings.php") Preview
?no_tbl=1&font=arial&fsize=%2B1 Preview
?font=verdana&fsize=2 Preview
?tbl_bdr=2&tbl_pad=3&fsize=2&cols=2 Preview
?cols=2&font=verdana&fsize=1&td_bg=aliceblue&cross=1 Preview
?cols=2&td_bg=seashell&tbl_bdr=2 Preview
?fsize=-1&cols=2&tbl_wid=100%25 Preview
?fsize=-1&cols=2&tbl_wid=100%25&cntry=US&st=california|utah|texas Preview
?fsize=-1&font=arial&cols=2&tbl_wid=100%25&cntry=india|brazil|chile Preview
?fsize=-1&font=arial&cols=2&tbl_wid=100%25&pwr_bot=1&pwr_img=2 Preview
?fsize=-1&cols=2&tbl_wid=100%25&cntry=US&st=california|utah|texas&pwr_img=4 Preview

Using the first example you would place the following code in your HTML file: (all on one line)

<script language="javascript" src="https://www.mission.net/ldsmn_listings.php?no_tbl=1&font=arial&fsize=%2B1"></script>

Acceptable Use

Use of this script is for the sole purpose of displaying the mission index on your site. Any form of manipulation of the data returned from this script will forfeit the privilege to use it. The "Powered By LDS Mission Network" section must always appear and cannot be altered in any way.

Violation of these policies will result in LDSMN blocking the use of this script from any website under your domain name.

Nem este site (mission.net), nem qualquer página de ex-missionários listada aqui, tem relação-- explicita ou implicita-- com A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias nem com nenhuma de suas entidades legais.

Copyright © 1996-2025 por mission.net. Todos os direitos reservados Condições de Uso