News Item: Mission Reunion
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We are planning a Mission Reunion for anyone who served in the Russia Moscow South Mission under President and Sister Wright at their request. There are a few options for dates as we want to plan around President Wright's schedule over the next few months. Please follow this link http://www.doodle.com/gt7788gwygn3t8p2 choose times YOU WILL BE AVAILABLE for a reunion held somewhere in Utah. Summertime may be better for those in school etc. so we do not feel obligated to hold one at conference time. For updates on president Wright's condition, please visit http://lowellwright.blogspot.com/
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."