Elder Eveni Suli Tafiti Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Ralph G Rodgers (1971 - 1974) | Patrick L. Iuli Peters (1974 - 1977) |
Served: 1974 - 1976 |
Areas Served: All the Stakes in Upolu |
Companions: Craig Lynn Forman | Larry H Sheffield | Kevin Sorensen |
Your Occupation: Social Worker/School Counselor |
Spouse: Fa'auma Luamata Manutai Tafit |
Comments: Talofa lava lo outou mamalu, paia, ma sa.
I hope all my companions are doing great in the church. I am still holding to the rod. I am the deacon's quorum advisor in the Mapusaga (samoan) Ward in Salt Lake City, Utah. I work with at-risk kids at school, doing prevention/intervention counseling. I am half way done with an MA in educational counseling and might be going into career guidance counseling. I have a nine year old son,who has been on the honor roll at school for four quarters. We just adopted our baby daughter a year ago. She just turned one year old this past April. Manuia le life o le olaga. |
Created: 06 Sep 2000 Modified: 12 Jun 2002 |
Last Login: 29 Jul 2003 08:37:10 AM |