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Elder Tommie Matthews Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Burton H Price (1965 - 1968) | R Wayne Shute (1968 - 1971) | Served: 1967 - 1969 | Areas Served: CCWS Pesega | Your Occupation: Retired Educator | Spouse: Jan | Comments: Our young family arrived in Western Samoa in July, 1967 to teach at CCWS. After being there only 2 months, Jan gave birth to our 5th child (Burt). We call him, "our $6.37 baby -- because that is all 'IT' was worth". NOT REALLY. Today, 9/24/02 is Burt's 35th birthday.
Our hearts are still there and we retain vivid memories. Many of those memories include establishing "Bill & Tom's Fale Burger". It was a great success and we had dreams of becoming the "McDonald's of the South Pacific." But it never happened.
Jan & I are presently living in Fruit Heights. All 8 of our children are married. We have 26 grandchildren. I am now retired from teaching after 38 years (the last 28 at the SL Community College). Jan & I hope to serve a full time mission in the near future.
Please feel free to write to us. We'd love to hear from my former students and friends. If Bill Tenney reads this, we'd love to hear from him, too. |
Created: 24 Sep 2002 Modified: 24 Sep 2002 |
Last Login: 25 Jul 2003 06:51:31 AM |
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