Elder Jonathan Bret Barrus Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Rendal Broomhead (2002 - 2005) |
Served: 2002 - 2004 |
Areas Served: Salani, Falealili, Upolu
Vailele, Upolu
Vaivase, Upolu
Samalaeulu, Savaii
Tula, Tutuila
Leone, Tutuila |
Companions: Jake Justin Haertling | David Alan Herd | Daniel Thomson Holladay | Brandon J Holyoak |
Your Occupation: student |
Spouse: single |
Comments: I am now enrolled in school at BYU-Idaho, and am planning on attending that school until 2034 when I finally graduate. This site makes me a little "mission-sick." I miss it so bad. It was a turning point in my life. Thanks to all those who were a part of it. |
Created: 26 Nov 2004 Modified: 26 Nov 2004 |
Last Login: 26 Nov 2004 03:15:45 AM |