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Elder Dennis Faiva Leota TUPUGA Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Henry Mataali'i (1996 - 1999) | Sua'u'upa'ia K Pe'a (1999 - 2002) | Served: 1998 - 2000 | Areas Served: faleula, malie, siumu, saaga, pesega, siusega, faleatiu, aleisa, vailima, motootua. | Companions: Jonathan Collier | Your Occupation: Youth Corrections Officer | Spouse: Moli Tonumaipe'a | Comments: talofa lava, This is Elder Dennis F. Tupuga. I served in the Samoa Apia Mission from Oct. 1998-2000. During those years i was able to serve my heavenly father and grow close to those whom i served with. I had the oppurtunity to serve with my "SOA'S" Elder Collier, Elder Talimatasi, Elder Mua, Elder motuliki, Elder Maiava, Elder Sua, Elder Tasi, Elder I'aulualo, Elder Ligaliga, Elder Tuiletufuga, Elder Tofilau, Elder Tiapue and Elder Liufau . I was also blessed to be a part of the Elder's and Sister's that served during that time under Pres. Su'a. So if you served during those years write and tell me what's going on. |
Created: 17 Aug 2004 Modified: 16 Jan 2009 |
Last Login: 16 Jan 2009 04:52:48 PM |
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