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Elder larry ray leger (leger) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Henry Mataali'i (1996 - 1999) | Served: 1998 - 2000 | Areas Served: FAALA,MOESAVILI,SASAII,SAIPIPI,MANONO,SAUNIATU,TUANAI,PESEGA, | Companions: michael Ligaliga | Your Occupation: INSTALLED CARPET | Spouse: NOT MARRIED | Comments: Well, Im so greatful to express myself and my life. In the year of 1998 on the month of APRIL 04, I enter the APIA SAMOA MISSION. I studied many things concerning the plan of salvation.When I was ready to preach the gospel of jesus-chirst I started in SAVAII, in the village of FAALA, then I moved in the village of FAGA, SASAI, and SAIPIPI. When I was still serving I had the best time in my life.And I had a strong testimony of the church.And I was so happy about it. When I returned home I spent 6 months in SAMOA, and went to SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.but right now I Im planning to move back to my parents. I would I would be happy staying with my loving parents.But right now I am still looking for the perfect one that I would take to the LORDS HOUSE some day. |
Created: 19 Feb 2002 Modified: 19 Feb 2002 |
Last Login: 21 Feb 2002 10:20:38 AM |
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