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Sister Bernice Kolone Maui'a-Purcell (Maui'a) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Maligi Ti'a (1984 - 1987) | Served: 1985 - 1987 | Areas Served: Malie, Lona, Faaala, Iva, and Pesega | Your Occupation: Full-Time House Wife | Spouse: Larry Atiga T. Purcell | Comments: My other companions include: Sis. Tesareta Mauigoa, Sis. Siti, Sis. Sumeo, Sis. Elisapeta Tapu, Sis. Leung Wo, and Sis. Burgess.
I am grateful to these faithful sisters who have had an impact in who I am today. My missionary experience has taught me skills that are making a difference in my life. Of course, the Samoa Apia Mission is the best in the world!
I am married to Larry Atiga Taagamanusina Purcell and have 3 children. It is an awesome opportunity to raise my little ones. I am glad Heavenly Father has entrusted them to my care for a short while. Hillary is the oldest and is having a ball with Young Women. Helaman is being trained to live up to his name. hahaha Our youngest, Heuwitt, is a handful, but I wouldn't trade him for anything. We try to serve the Lord with our all.
Keep the faith! It is what will help us in these hard times. Alofa tele mo auauna uma a le Alii. |
Created: 27 Mar 2004 Modified: 02 Apr 2007 |
Last Login: 27 Mar 2008 12:00:51 PM |
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