Elder SAUPO N/A HUNTER Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Ralph G Rodgers (1971 - 1974) |
Language(s) spoken:ENGLISH & SAMOAN |
Areas Served: APIA, SAVAII & PAGO |
Companions: George Selu Fruean |
Your Occupation: CARPENTER |
Comments: I'M HAPPILY MARRIED TO MY BELOVED WIFE, HAVE 6 PRECIOUS KIDS AND WE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER... for the record, my father passed away in '86 and it's a priviledge to do this momentuos profile for him coz he set a good example for all 6 dat we each served honorably mission... now we all got married and have kids but lived else where with our own families... anyone might know our father... pls comment and we'll be happy to reply...take care everyone.. |
Created: 17 Jun 2007 Modified: 17 Jun 2007 |
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM |