South Africa Cape Town

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Jeffrey D Whitford Alumni Photo

Elder Jeffrey D Whitford

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Gary K. Haddock (1999 - 2002)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Fishhoek, Kwamagxaki, Kwadwesi, Cleary Esates and Galvendale, Mowbray, Windhoek(katatura), Mdantsane
Kacey Eugene Crandall
Your Occupation: Army Special Forces Medic
Spouse: Mindy Ellen
Hey everyone I was just thinking of the great times I had in South Africa and thought I would say hello. I am deployed right now and will be back home in the spring. Keep the faith and God Bless.
Created: 13 Sep 2003  Modified: 08 Nov 2009
Last Login: 18 Mar 2010 01:45:43 AM