Elder Adam Hansen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Served: 1995 - 1997 |
Areas Served: Mowbray, George, Paarl, Port Elizabeth, East London, Bellville |
Companions: Joey R Almeida | Bill Peavoy | J. P. Wirig |
Your Occupation: Hansen Oil |
Spouse: Debbie (Baker) Hansen |
Comments: I guess it's time for a small update. Debbie and I are still in Soda Springs, Idaho with our daughter Abigail (15 months). I stay busy at the family business pouring over tax reports most of the day. I continue to coach football at the highschool in the fall. Some days I wonder why. Any of you who may have teenages or work with them will understand. This last march I was put in as 2nd Counselor in Young Mens and Scoutmaster - and I thought there were hard days on the mission? However, life has been good to our family even through the passing of my mom last August. It's always good to hear any of you. |
Created: 29 Mar 2006 Modified: 12 May 2008 |
Last Login: 12 May 2008 11:04:06 AM |