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Elder Steven K. Shaw

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G. Phillip Margetts (1984 - 1985) | J. Richard Clarke (1985 - 1987)
Served: 1983 - 1985
Language(s) spoken:English
Areas Served:
South Africa: Pietermaritzburg, Wynberg, Plumstead, Table View, Port Elizabeth, Richards Bay
Jamey Boyd | Michael Demie | Scott Forsling | Daryl Jensen | Joe Lance | Ed Louder | Chris K. Sorensen | David Edward Stone
Your Occupation: Software Development
Spouse: Stacey
Hi all. I have been married to my sweetheart Stacey since 1990. We have 4 kids, 3 girls with a boy bring up the rear. I'm currently working in the Young Men Program as the secretary, after having just been released from being the Scout Master. It's different, but it is good to still be able to closely associate with the great young men in our ward.
Created: 28 Aug 2001  Modified: 27 Aug 2007
Last Login: 27 Aug 2007 03:46:14 PM