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Elder Brian Sorensen

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Kenneth S. Armstrong (1993 - 1996) | Glen Markus (1996 - 1999)
Served: 1995 - 1997
Areas Served:
Cape Town, Umtata, Port Elizabeth, East London
Hubert Frédéric Arokium | Christopher Larry Brown | Scott R. Budge | Christijan Draper | Clinton Stuart Futter | Jacob John Hall | Zephred Macanda | Vusimuzi N Msiza | Jeremy Paul Roberts | Matt Slater | Neil Slater | Isaac Stanfield
Your Occupation: Director of Sales/Marketing
Spouse: Wendy
I started my own business about two years ago. I'm involved with the Boy Scouts and my wife is the Primary President. We have three children; Shaylee, Wesley, and Olivia. Being a Dad is the BEST.
Created: 28 Aug 2001  Modified: 02 May 2006
Last Login: 21 Sep 2009 08:53:27 PM