Sister Kena Rydalch (Woolstenhulme) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Reed C. Snow (1987 - 1990) |
Served: 1988 - 1990 |
Language(s) spoken:English |
Areas Served: East London, Rondebosch, Fish Hoek, Amanzimtoti, Pinetown |
Companions: SOPHIA Guerber (White) | Linda Jo Knudsen | Amanda Pearson | Bobbi Jane Rice |
Your Occupation: Mom & High School English Teacher |
Spouse: Craig Rydalch |
Comments: My husband Craig and I love living near our families here in Oakley, Utah. We have three boys, Judd, Lucas & Beau. I'm currently serving in the Stake Relief Society Presidency. I teach English at South Summit High School in Kamas and spend many hours watching our boys play sports. I must mention that I did have other companions not listed...Kim Fantetti, Sister Joanne Kenney, and Sister Picot. I loved my mission and the dear friends that I made there! |
Created: 28 Aug 2001 Modified: 05 Mar 2006 |
Last Login: 05 Mar 2006 09:48:33 PM |