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Elder Ryan Romney Humes

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Kenneth S. Armstrong (1993 - 1996) | Glen Markus (1996 - 1999)
Served: 1995 - 1997
Areas Served:
CPT, EL, FH, PE, EL, George, MDA
Doug Allred | Adam Attridge | Kevin A. Auernig | Bryce Campbell | Mitchell Comb | Stephen Ed Harman | Bryan David Harris | Derek Jay Turley | Cory Wood | Jeffrey Woolley
Your Occupation: Commercial Property Management
Spouse: None
I made a recent career move. I stepped away from the insurance industry and am now managing commercial industrial/mfg properties for a large real estate company around Salt Lake City. I really like the change and expect it to be a positive one. I am planning on buying a home toward the end of summer. Still not married or dating. Thats about it. Nkosi Sikelele Afrika!
Created: 10 Oct 2001  Modified: 12 May 2006
Last Login: 12 May 2006 10:18:48 PM