Elder Ryan Sean Paddock Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Glen Markus (1996 - 1999) |
Served: 1997 - 1999 |
Areas Served: East London, Bellville, Namibia |
Companions: Kevin A. Auernig | Paul Craig | Blake Bingham Hancey | Jeremiah Manti Hawks | Jeremiah Manti Hawks | Kody Kirkham | Travis Knudsen | David Rajgopal | Ryan Michael Spillane |
Your Occupation: Executive Paralegal/Law Office Operations Manager |
Spouse: Trisha (Hunt) Paddock |
Comments: Married Sister Trisha Hunt who served in Cape town. Married August 11, 2000 Los Angeles California Temple. One beautiful daughter, Hannah, born Ocober 12, 2001. We plan to have many more. I work for a Law Firm as Office manager and Executive paralegal specializing in employment litigation. we plan to finish law school and practice as a litigator or turn to politics.
Trisha is a House executive and a full time mother. She plans to retire in this profession -and as a mother you never get to retire. She is a loving wife and gospel companion. Trisha currently serves in Primary, I am in Elders Qurom presidency. We enjoy short road trips and every Friday we go to Disney Land . I am involved in Super Leauge Rugby USA.
We ebrace our mission memories and thank those who touched our lives. |
Created: 13 Aug 2002 Modified: 13 Mar 2004 |
Last Login: 30 Aug 2004 02:14:40 PM |