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Sister JoEllen Upton

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Reed C. Snow (1987 - 1990)
Served: 1987 - 1988
Language(s) spoken:English, Afrikaans
Areas Served:
Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth, Durban
Bobbi Jane Rice
Your Occupation: Elementary school teacher
Spouse: Gregory
Also Lorinda Van der Nest, Sis. Van Vuuren

Married to Gregory, have three children, all girls, ages 7, 8, and 10. I live just outside of Austin, Texas. I am an elementary school teacher. No longer active in the church, but interested to know what has happened to everyone.

I can't make it to the reunion, but hope that people post comments and pics afterwards.

I finally found out what happened to Jollene Wheeler! Thanks, Mark.
Created: 07 Sep 2002  Modified: 28 Feb 2006
Last Login: 28 Feb 2006 05:44:14 PM