This page has been created to answer frequently asked questions.
Is this an "official" mission website?
Is this site maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints?
Is this site run by the mission?
What is this website all about?
How do I register?
How do I update my profile?
I added/edited my profile. Why aren't the changes online?
Help, I've lost my password!
How do I select my companions when I add/edit the profile page?
How do I turn ON/OFF email notifications?
How do I add a picture?
Why can't I upload my picture?
How do I scan a photo to put online?
I posted a message. Why isn't it online?
What content is considered inappropriate?
How serious will my comments or suggestions be taken?
Can I contribute to the website?
How can I contact a member I've lost contact with from my mission?
Is this an "official" mission website?
This site is in no way an official affiliate of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints or the respective Mission Home/Office.
Although this site is designed to compliment and illustrate the teachings
and beliefs of the before mentioned church, no content within this
site should be taken as official church policy or doctrine. This site
was created in order to help returned missionaries re-establish or
maintain associations with those they served with, and to inform them
of reunion schedules. Back to Top
Is this website maintained by The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints?
No. The website is not maintained or directly affiliated with The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church has it's own department
for making official statements. Anything read on this site is not to be
construed as the official view of the LDS Church. Back to Top
Is this site run by the mission?
No. It is not run by the actual mission and has no direct connection
with the mission home office, or the Church in any way. Back to Top
What is this website all about?
As we all know, as time slips by, it is often easy to loose track of
those we were once close to. This site was created to provide a common meeting
place and to provide resources for those that served within the mission to
maintain or re-establish contact with those they served with.
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How do I register?
If you are a returned missionary, click on the "Alumni" link.
At the top of the page click on Alumni registration or at the bottom of the page
click on "Add Profile." Enter your profile information and click the
"Submit" button located at the bottom of the registration
form. If you have received your calling, or are currently
serving in the mission, click on the "Currently Serving" link.
At the top of the page click on Current Missionary or at the
bottom of the page, the "Add Profile" link. To register as a friend
or member, click on the "Friends/Members" link. At the top of the page click on Register or at the bottom of the page,
the "Add Profile" link.
If you make a mistake during the registration process, you can update your profile later on. Back to Top
How do I update my profile?
Should your information, such as address or email change, Go
to the Alumni/Current Missionary/Friend link and pull up your profile. When you've done that,
there's a link at the bottom that will bring you to the edit page. You
will need your username and password to enter and edit information. Back to Top
I added/edited my profile. Why aren't the changes online?
All profile
additions and changes must be approved by the website maintainer. It's not that
we don't trust you, we just want to make sure no one tampers with the
website. We don't want information that is not in keeping with the the views of the mission or the
Church. (We remain un-affiliated with the LDS Church) Back to Top
Help, I've lost my password!
Locate your personal profile. When you view your profile, at the bottom of the page is a link to edit your profile. Click on the
"request password" link. Your username and password will be e-mailed to
your currently listed e-mail address. If
you have changed e-mail addresses since updating your profile, and no longer
have access to your currently listed e-mail address, you will need the webmaster
help to update your account. Go to the "comments"
page and ask for help. Back to Top
How do I select my companions when I add/edit the profile
To select multiple companions, click one of them and then hold down the Ctrl button as
you click on the others to select them. Back to Top
How do I turn ON/OFF email notifications?
You can choose to receive General Announcements, Profiles posted from your
era, and all other content (message, news, pictures, stories, guestbook,
Click on the Alumni link on the homepage. Search for your own profile. Then click
on Edit profile. You'll need your username and password to edit. At the bottom of the profile are three questions that deal with content emailed to you. Simply select yes or no. Back to Top
How do I add a picture"
There are two places on the alumni site where you can upload a picture.
The first is in your own alumni profile where you can add a picture of yourself. To do this, simply find your profile on the alumni site. Then on the bottom of that page is a link to "Edit Profile" which will allow you to make changes and updates to your profile. One of the changes you can make is to add an image. Just above the field for where you input your address you will see a field for "Image:" and a Browse button. Click the Browse button which will allow you to find the
image file (usually a .jpg or .gif image type) you've created on your computer. When you find the picture you want to add, simply double click it. This will insert the correct information into the image field. Then
all you have to do is click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The change will not be displayed until the webmaster receives notification of the update and approves it.
The second place to add a picture is the alumni photo album. Click on the "Pictures" menu in the navigation bar. You will then see a link at the bottom of the page to "Add Picture" which you will click. Then you will see
a page where you can add a Title for the picture and a Caption for the picture. Below that you will see the field for the "Image:" and here you will do exactly the same thing as you did to add a picture to your profile. Once the image is selected and information is in the image field, then simply click the button "Add Picture" to upload it to the website. Make
sure you wait long enough for the picture to upload before closing your internet browser or going to another page. You will see a new page once the upload is completed.
Why can't I upload my picture?
Knowing computers and how they run, we occasionally run into problems.
Here a a few suggestions. Please make sure there are no
spaces found in the filename of the picture you want to upload. Also, please
make sure all the letters in the filename are lower case. Numbers and
letters are okay, but I would also avoid using other characters and
symbols. The image type should be GIF or JPG. Back to Top
How do I scan a photo to put online?
There are many good websites that already provide scanning tips and hints, help with fundamentals and other basic scanning information to help you get the most from your scanner. The following three links should get you started in the right direction.
1. A Few Scanning Tips
2. How To Scan Photos
3. How To Scan
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I posted a message. Why isn't it online?
All posts must first be authorized by the website maintainer before they are
displayed online. Back to Top
What content is considered inappropriate?
Since all information on this web site is not limited to the
eyes of alumni, the webmaster is morally responsible for all data displayed online.
We wish to keep this message area clean of slander, negative
gossip and commercial oriented postings. Please do not be offended, we are very sure that none of the
alumni/current missionaries/friends would do this, however, the web site does allow anonymous
posting. (This means that not only mission alumni can post
messages.) This is why it is moderated. Back to Top
How serious will my comments or suggestions be taken?
Your feedback and suggestions are essential to a successful mission alumni
site. If you have something to say, regardless of how trivial, please let
us know. Back to Top
Can I contribute to the website?
We thought you'd never ask! Providing meaningful content, and keeping a website up-to-date takes time.
Your content contributions are always appreciated. If you would like to
assist with the site maintenance itself, simply send the website maintainer an e-mail.
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How can I contact a member I've lost contact with from my mission??
Call the Member and Statistical Records Division at the church office building. The phone number is (801) 240-3500. If you're not in the USA, or if you'd rather rather do things in writing, the postal address is:
Member and Statistical Records Division
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
50 East North Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
84109 USA
Request a copy of their "Membership Contact" form. They will mail it to you promptly.
Fill out the form, which asks for information about the person's name, age, birthplace, and other facts that might be helpful in locating the one you are trying to reach. You will also need to make a brief statement about why you want to contact this person.
Return both copies of this form to the address given at the top of the form.
One of the copies of this form will be sent to the person you are trying to locate, who will then decide whether or not to contact you. If the person cannot be located, the office will notify you of that.
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