[Portuguese Flag] *** Spain, Las Palmas ***

(The Canary Islands)
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Elder Alfredo Ritta

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Jorge Alberto Prieto (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1997 - 1999
Language(s) spoken:Spanish
Areas Served:
La Palma, Puerto De La Cruz, Santa Cruz
Ron Ellsworth | Gabriel Izaak Engman | Enrique Maroto Del Campo | Enrique Maroto Del Campo
Your Occupation: Film Maker
I've been in LA for 3 years working in film commercials, television & music videos. There are few Saints in the biz out here, so if you know any send them my way.
Created: 09 May 2006  Modified: 09 May 2006
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM

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