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Elder Ryan S Farrer

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Marion K. Hamblin (1988 - 1991)
Served: 1988 - 1990
Areas Served:
Fuerte Ventura(p.d.Rosario), Tenerife(Puerta se la cruz, SC, La Cuesta), GCanaria( Las Palmas, Vecendario, La Tafira)
Kenneth R. Clayton | Brian L Hendricks | William David Jarvis | Jeffery Richard Morrin | Juan Jose Ozcariz | Troy R Tanner
Spouse: Erin
Erin and I were married in the SLC temple july of 1991. We have three children-Brad-5, Madison-4, and Haley-2. I'm finishing my medical residency in radiology at Univ of Nebraska. I would love to here from you.
Created: 13 Oct 2000  Modified: 13 Oct 2000
Last Login: 18 Oct 2002 04:22:17 PM

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