[Portuguese Flag] *** Spain, Las Palmas ***

(The Canary Islands)
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Elder John Paul Gummow (McNally)

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Howard R. Francis (1991 - 1994)
Served: 1991 - 1993
Areas Served:
Telde,Galdar,La Montana,La Orotava,Santa Brigida,La Vina-El Goro, Las Remudas,La Feria de Atlantico,San Juan, and Granadilla
Lee Bott | Paul Ewing | Mark Henrichsen | Trent Heppler | Jon A. Meilstrup | Richard Ray Pendleton | David Shaw | Bruce Walton
Your Occupation: Unemployed State employee CA that's Why
Spouse: Lainie Rideout
no kids I wish had some. Hope everyone is doing well, and has a Great Christmas. No Calling I wish I had a Great One. I still have an Zealous Testimony, No Fear Have I of Evil Spirits, Says Me! My Wife the Princess lives for 10 for 5's@ Claire's and Afterthoughts, please oh please help me.
Created: 07 Dec 2003  Modified: 07 Dec 2003
Last Login: 07 Dec 2003 01:20:23 AM

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