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Christopher  Harper Alumni Photo

Elder Christopher Harper

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Howard R. Francis (1991 - 1994)
Served: 1991 - 1993
Areas Served:
The Port!, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, El Polverine, The Port (again!),La Laguna, Galdar
Terry Blackwell | Chad Christensen | Daryl Conley | Matthew Daybell | Nathan O. Greene | DAVID LEWIS Heath | Robert Kerby Hodson | Kevin L Rowley | Lance Dale Sorenson | Trenton H Wardle | Tom Wilcox
Your Occupation: Operations Manager, Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
Spouse: Jennifer
Hello everyone! I can't believe that I've been home for 11 years now! What a trip! Man, I miss those days. I really miss those gofio shakes, pizza pasta, and chocolate covered croissants! (tried to make them here in the states, but the ingredients just don't taste the same - either that or the Lord was just protecting me from my awful choice in eating habits!)
I am currently living in the Baltimore/Washington, DC area - been here for a year now. Moved there after living in Orlando, FL for 6 years. I am married to a wonderful lady by the name of Jennifer. We met at Momma's Cafe at BYU in September of 1996 and were engaged a few months after! She is the best wife that I could ask for!
I graduated from BYU with Bachelor's Degree from BYU in Theatrical Arts.
I'm working for Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament as the Operations Manager - which means that I have no life! Please feel free to email me! I miss those good old days and would love to see any pictures that you may have!
Created: 19 Dec 2004  Modified: 28 Mar 2005
Last Login: 22 Dec 2006 10:37:40 PM

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