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Elder Alejandro Vicente Grandela

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H. Vern Payne (1994 - 1997) | Jorge Alberto Prieto (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1996 - 1998
Language(s) spoken:Spanish
Areas Served:
Vecindario, Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Laguna
Chris Houskeeper | Joseph Edward Nielsen | Francisco Rebollo | Thomas Raymond Tibbitts (Thomas Tibbitts) | Spencer Hamilton Vehar
Your Occupation: Loan Officer
Spouse: Jerayln
Married my High-School sweetheart five months after getting home. We have two girls, Isabel Victoria (2 yrs.) and Liliana Gabrielle (7 months). I went into banking in '99 and have been there ever since. I serve as a Sunday School teacher to 14-15 yr. olds and have just been called as Exec. Sec. to our Bishop in the Cape Henry Ward of Virginia Beach, VA. Was good to see pictures of a few of you. I'll have some up soon. I was lucky to find this site while writing my youngest brother who is in the MTC now!
Created: 11 Mar 2008  Modified: 11 Mar 2008
Last Login: 11 Mar 2008 11:05:05 AM

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