[Portuguese Flag] *** Spain, Las Palmas ***

(The Canary Islands)
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Sister Shawni Carver (Henderson)

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Howard R. Francis (1991 - 1994)
Served: 1991 - 1993
Language(s) spoken:English/ Spanish
Areas Served:
Las Palmas, Telde, La Palma, Lanzarote
Your Occupation: Financial Consultant/ business owner
Spouse: Monte Hot Wings Carver
Have done many things since the mission. Graduated from BYU-Hawaii. Lived in San Diego for 14 years and now live in Washington State with my wonderful husband Monte Carver. We have 5 kiddos and almost 4 grandkids. Would love to hear from any of my friends from the mission. Have some great memories of las islas!
Created: 13 Jan 2015  Modified: 25 Oct 2016
Last Login: 25 Oct 2016 11:12:17 AM

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