[Portuguese Flag] *** Spain, Las Palmas ***

(The Canary Islands)
[Spain Flag]
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Elder Jason P Johnson

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Marion K. Hamblin (1988 - 1991) | Howard R. Francis (1991 - 1994)
Served: 1990 - 1992
Areas Served:
LasPalmas(el puerto),Galdar,StaCruz(Ofra),Lanzarote, Las Palmas(parque atlantico)
Paul A. Crawford | Timothy Wayne Hunt | Val J Kraus | Kit M. Lindsey | Shalynn K Loar | Rodney Moser | Rodney Boyd Moser | Benjamin Torgesen
Your Occupation: Spanish Instructor/RE investor
Spouse: Jana Sue Cummings
Got married(Aug 99). Moved to Reno, NV to attend the University of Nevada. Working on masters in Spanish Literature. Still happy in Reno. 1st child (Chiara) born Aug 02. 2nd--Viana born March 2004. Finally returned to Canaries April 2001. Jana works for airline, travel as much as possible. Hoping to return to islands this summer!
*Since this worked already...
*Looking for Elders Bret Brian, Del Solar, & Wilson
Created: 07 Oct 1999  Modified: 14 Feb 2005
Last Login: 14 Feb 2005 04:30:47 PM

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