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Stories: Your highness...

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Your highness... 25 May 2004
This is a true story about why people shouldn't mess with missionaries. I was walking with my new companion, Elder Thad Nelson, to retrieve my belongings from my old piso and take them to my new piso, as it was transfer day. I was being transferred from Alcaravaneras to San Cristobal. Yeah, huge move. Anyway, as we were walking these four dude started to make fun of us from the other side of the street. Two of them were on a moto and the other two were de pie, on foot. I, being fairly large in stature, said to my companion, "Let's go see what they want" So we went across the street nonchalantly, and the the two on the moto left quickly. I said, " Is there a problem?" The two that were left said no, and so I told them Vale, ok, and we left. Well, the first two on the moto came back yelling at us and spitting on us, and passed us by, as he went to make a U-turn to come back at us again, he turned right in front of a guagua. The guy on the back of the moto jumped off just in time but the other guy hit the ground and went into convulsions. My comp and I ran over and asked his frien what his name was, and we gave him a blessing . I went to the hospital the next day to see how he was and they told me that after he came into the hospital, he was checked out within two hours with minor scrapes and bruises. Two lessons, the priesthood works, and people shouldn't mess with the church bruthas.
David Scott Rojo Send Email

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