News Item: Welcome to the New Website
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The Switzerland Zurich Mission now has a new alumni site with a completely redesigned look and feel!
The new site contains many new features! Separate directories for Alumni, Friends & Members, and Currently Serving Missionaries, as well as, chat, messages, news, pictures, stories, reunions, polls, weather, and much more.
Former webmaster Keith Bailey is unreachable to provide LDSMN the database of returned missionaries and site content. Therefore, we have lost all of the data from the old website.
Please use the "Invite a Friend" link in the navigation menu to let your former companions and friends know about the new site. Together with your help, we can rebuild the site of the Switzerland Zurich Mission and once again be a valued resource to past and present missionaries.
As the need for security over the internet increases, your new site implements many features that protect registered users from SPAM and the harvesting of your personal information. (Email addresses are always hidden and passwords are encrypted) Within your personal profile, you also have personal security and site notification options which enable you to customize who has access to your information, and what site notifications you wish to receive.
I invite you to register with the new site. You will be able to select a username and password which will allow you to edit/update your personal information at will using our new automated system.
The new site is located at a new web address:
To go directly to the automated registration page, click below:
I look forward to associating with you and any questions or comments are always welcome!
Alles Gute!
Jonathan K. Ussery
Switzerland Zurich Mission Alumni Site
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